
Wisdom, life, aging, candles, energy

“The beginning of wisdom is pause.

The next step of wisdom is stillness of trees.

The next step of wisdom is a child’s laughter.

The next step of wisdom is the deepest of breaths.

The fifth step of wisdom is the ‘aha’ of unknowing.

The next step of wisdom is acceptance.

The seventh step of wisdom is my ongoing journey.

(written by Kerry-Ann, with thanks to Seven Steps, Anne Powell, Tree of a Thousand Voices. Steele Roberts 2010

During our June InSpirited Aging we explored movement contemplating the notion of wisdom. Is wisdom directly associated with aging, i.e. as we age do we automatically become wise?!

For our writing we wrote of our seven steps to wisdom, our art responded to the idea of leaving an impression or leaving our mark on the world, our legacy if you will.

In conversation we contemplated other words we might use for wisdom. I particularly like, perspicacity, acumen and the idea of a ‘bag of tricks’. What say you?


Matariki Movement


Dancing Doyennes Balance